79° Maggio Musicale Fiorentino


Pëtr Il'ič Čajkovskij

Come vivreste se nessuno vi avesse mai parlato della luce, del cielo e della bellezza? Se non riusciste a distinguere una rosa rossa da una bianca e pensaste che gli occhi fossero stati creati soltanto per piangere? La dolce Iolanta vive così, cieca e nascosta dal mondo, nel suo rigoglioso giardino sperduto tra le montagne francesi. Fino al giorno in cui un nobile giovane, per puro caso, non le rivela il miracolo della vista e la gioia dell’amore. In scena al Teatro Mariinskij nel dicembre 1892 a fianco del balletto Lo schiaccianoci, l’estremo e toccante capolavoro di Pëtr Il'ič Čajkovskij ispirato alla vita romanzata di Iolanda d’Angiò arriva al Festival del Maggio Musicale Fiorentino nell'allestimento del Metropolitan Opera House.

Opera in un atto
Musica di Pëtr Il'ič Čajkovskij
Libretto di Modest Il'ič Čajkovskij tratto dal dramma in versi Kong Renés Datter (La figlia del re René) di Henrik Hertz

Allestimento del Metropolitan Opera House e Teatr Wielki Opera Narodowa


Stanislav Kochanovsky

Mariusz Treliński

Boris F. Kudlička

Marek Adamski

Light design
Marc Heinz

Bartek Macias

Tomasz Wygoda

Choir Director
Lorenzo Fratini

Orchestra and Choir of the Maggio Musicale Fiorentino
King René
Ilya Bannik (28, 30/04; 3/05)/ Alexei Tanovitski

Victoria Yastrebova

Mikołaj Zalasiński

Vsevolod Grivnov

Mzia Nioradze

Maria Stasiak

Irina Zhytynska

Mateusz Zajdel

Elchin Azizov

Federico Sacchi
Iolanta is blind. She lives a secluded life and is treated like a doll. A long time ago her father, King René, hid her from the world and placed her in the care of simple people, Martha and Bertrand. His greatest concern is for his daughter never to find out she is blind. He also doesn’t want the news of Iolanta’s blindness to reach Robert, her future husband. Iolanta is convinced that eyes are only for crying. But she is becoming anxious and has some vague presentiments.
Alméric arrives at Iolanta’s dwelling, announcing a visit from the King and a famous Moorish physician. The doctor’s diagnosis is clear: Iolanta must be told of her disability before treatment can begin. René says no.
Robert and Vaudémont appear at Iolanta’s house. They are overawed—the place seems to hide a secret, danger, they feel threatened. They meet Iolanta, not knowing who she is. Robert doesn’t realize she is his betrothed, whom he doesn’t want to marry because he loves someone else. Vaudémont is enchanted with the girl while Robert is worried by this mysterious place. Enthralled with Iolanta’s beauty, Vaudémont asks her to give him a red rose as a keepsake. Iolanta hands him a white one, twice. Vaudémont realizes that she can’t see. Iolanta has no idea what it means to see, she isn’t aware what she is missing. King René catches Vaudémont talking to Iolanta and is furious with him for revealing the secret to her. With no will of her own, Iolanta doesn’t even know whether she wants to be able to see—she will do anything her father tells her. This only confirms the doctor’s words that without an inner desire, no change is possible. To awaken her desire to regain her sight, the King threatens that if the treatment fails Vaudémont will be killed. Iolanta is healed and her father consents to her marriage to Vaudémont. But regaining her sight doesn’t bring Iolanta the expected deliverance. Blinded by the world, she can’t believe that the people she loves look the way they do. Her love for Vaudémont and the wedding ceremony subdue her fears.

Thu 5 May, ore 20:00
Tue 3 May, ore 20:00
Sat 30 April, ore 15:30
Thu 28 April, ore 20:00

Stalls 1 € 100
Stalls 2 € 80
Stalls 3 € 60
Boxes € 35
Gallery € 20
Limited visibility € 10

Teatro del Maggio Musicale Fiorentino

Piazzale Vittorio Gui, 1
50144 Firenze

Dettagli e mappa