Fidelio is a story of love and passion. The wife of a man wrongly imprisoned try to disguise herself and faces many dangers in order to have his news, hoping to free him. After the first comedy momentsthe opera draws us into a larger theme: the desire for justice and freedom. Beethoven brings to the stage, just in Vienna, in the years of the Congress which tried to erase the achievements of Europe in the Age of the Enlightenment and the French Revolution, the drama of Leonore who saves her beloved Florestan. The action is set in a just mentioned Spain, to provide an exotic and evocative world, dull and oppressive, in which the fate of individuals is subject to the whim and caprice of men of power, which enhances the action of the protagonist, a woman who does not wish to accept a fate that seems inevitable.
The work is the result of the laboratory "All'Opera!" Which every year sees the collaboration of the Assessorato all’Educazione del Comune di Firenze, the Opera di Firenze, the Fondazione Ente Cassa di Risparmio di Firenze and the Compagnia Venti Lucenti.